Thursday, October 7, 2010


It seems that I owe everyone on my email list an apology--an apology for apologizing too much.  Since my last email blitz indicating that the new blog post was up, I received two emails from a couple of very dear friends of mine.  And I say that because of who they are in my life, but also because they love me enough to "offer one small bit of loving advice".

Here are the emails:

"you don't need to keep apologizing.  just send us the material to read when it's ready!  :)  we all know that computers do funny things, and i don't think that you have an assigned time to get your blog out.  just as long as it happens!  thank you for taking the time out of your day to write them.  it sets a good example for all of us to follow in our personal lives.  and i like reading them!"

"Stop apologizing.  It seems like each email you're sending out, you're apologizing because a blog is late or early or something else.  It's clear to me that you are very open to God's leading and he is working through you to touch others through this.  Don't apologize for that.  Claim it.  Keep up the great and faithful work.  Love you."

I love you both too.  And I thank you for speaking love into my life.

And that got me thinking...are we speaking loving advice into our friends' lives?  Are we stepping out there in faith and bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to those we love the most?  Or are we not wanting to offend someone?

You see, that was the reason for the apologies...I didn't want someone to get offended that the blog was late; I didn't want someone to get offended because I wrote two blogs really close together.  Is that how we walk our walk with the Lord?  Not wanting to we apologize for it?

Stop apologizing!  We have nothing to apologize for!  With their best interest in mind--with their eternal future in mind--be offensive!  The cross is offensive!  Stop apologizing and offer one HUGE bit of loving advice!

There is so much fluff and Fruity Pebbles out there in the world and in the church.  And that was one thing that I determined would not be a part of the new church and our lives.  I guess this blog is an extension of that.  And for that...I won't apologize.

If you are on my email list and would no longer like to be, please send me an email at  If you are not on my email list and would like to be alerted to new blog posts, please email me at the same address above.

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