Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I have a busy week ahead of me and even though the lawn didn’t have to be mowed yet, I decided I should mow it now since it would too long by the time I could get to it again.  So, after lunch and getting the boys down for their naps, I went out to to give the grass a flat-top.

Before I was finished, Braden woke up from his nap; Heidi brought him out to the backyard to swing since we didn’t want to wake up Caleb.  My parents bought us a swing-set for the backyard, so that Heidi wouldn’t have to always go somewhere for the boys to swing; the boys LOVE swinging.

So, as I mowed, I watched the joy on my 3-year-old’s face as he soared through the air on his yellow belt-seat swing.  Heidi pushed and pushed to his delight and his squeals of “Higher Mama, Higher!”

I can’t tell you how long it was, but eventually Caleb woke up.  I heard Heidi say that she needed to go get him and told Braden to just keep swinging by himself until she came back outside with Caleb.

Well…Braden doesn’t know how to “pump” on a swing yet; he needs someone to push him in order to go.  So, once the momentum from Heidi’s last push died down, Braden was done swinging.  On my one pass with the mower, I looked over to see Braden patiently waiting on the sedentary swing.  He just sat there with his feet dangling, waiting for someone to push him.

And that got me thinking…how many people are simply waiting for a “push” into a relationship with Jesus?  Granted, living the Christian life is not always as fun as floating through the air on a swing, but there are some that are waiting.  There are some that are looking for the answer; there are some that simply need that introduction to the Lord.

All too often, Christians go on with their daily routines never thinking about our responsibility to tell others about Jesus.  You don’t need to have a degree in theology; you don’t need to be a mature Christian…simply share the hope within you [1 Peter 3:15].  All you need to do is share who Jesus is in your life.

Ultimately, YOU don’t have to “save” anyone—that’s God’s job.  But don’t overlook how the Lord wants to use you in that process.  Come alongside someone…and give a little “push”.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Okay…fair warning before I even begin:
Today’s subject may not be the most pleasant, but I believe the spiritual lesson is worth it. 
Last night, Heidi went around picking up the dog poop in the backyard.  It’s nice having the fenced-in yard so we can simply let the dogs out when it’s time for a backyard break.  However, the problem with that is having to go around the entire yard and find the little gifts at other times.  When we lived in Pennsylvania, we didn’t have a backyard for the dogs’ use, so we had to take them on walks on a leash and pick up after every deposit.  I haven’t necessarily figured out which I prefer as of yet.
Anyway, Heidi found some little white worms on some of Squirt’s dog doo.  She said that it wasn’t just this batch but in most of them.  I suggested we wait until we got a fresh calling card to check it for the worms.  It wasn’t long before Squirt was leaving another pile of good luck so we checked it; sure enough, there were tiny white worms in it.
When the vet’s office opened this morning, Heidi called to ask if we needed to bring Squirt in prior to her already-scheduled appointment on Friday for her yearly exam.  When Heidi shared our concern about the worms, she was returned with a question that about triggered her gag reflex: “Do the worms look like rice, or spaghetti?”  I could tell that Heidi was thankful that we only had the rice.  And when she told me about the question, I too was praising the Lord that we only had rice.  And yet…rice is still bad.
And that got me thinking…we are constantly comparing ourselves and our worms—sins—to the sins of others.  “Yeah, I may be doing this…but I’m not doing that like so-and-so.”  “My sin is only rice, not spaghetti.”
It is still bad!!!  We need to compare ourselves to the One we are to be following and trying to be like—Jesus.  Jesus doesn’t have any worms; we need to be determined to get rid of our worms.  Each and every day we need to be striving toward holiness.  Comparing ourselves to others doesn’t make us holy; being like Jesus makes us holy.
We have been called to be worm-free.  Squirt had to take a couple of pills; we have to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Him.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Today was a great day for me…Father’s Day.  I enjoyed the day immensely.
But this isn’t going to be about me.  Over the last couple of days we’ve gotten to know our “over the back fence” neighbors.  They seem very nice.  We’ve seen them many times and have exchanged quick “hellos” and such, but yesterday was the first time we’ve gathered at the fence to really meet each other.
We talked about work, the neighborhood, family, and the normal surface stuff.  While we were talking about the boys, they mentioned that they also had a grown son who lived in North Carolina.
Well, today when we woke up, there was a young man in their backyard—we figured that it had to be their son from North Carolina.  It was; we talked with them later in the day.  He drove through the night from North Carolina to surprise them for Father’s Day and her birthday (which was also today).  The amazing part of the story is that he is heading back on Monday.  He drove all the way from North Carolina Saturday night to spend Sunday with them, only to have to drive back Monday.
And that got me thinking…what are we willing to do for our parents, whom we are commanded to honor in Exodus 20:12?  But, more importantly, what are we willing to do for our Heavenly Father?
John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”  I’ve always appreciated what the Father did by giving His Son to die for my sins; I’ve accepted that gift and have made Jesus my Lord.  But I never could truly understand what the Father must have gone through—what He must have felt—until I had my own son.
There are many people that I would give my life for…but not either of my sons’ lives.  What the Father did is unquestionably the most amazing thing anyone has ever done for me.  And He did it for you too.
This should cause us to go to great lengths to do amazing things for the Father.  And not just on Father’s Day…but every day.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Today was a busy day for me at Steve's.  I guess that I can figure that Saturdays in the summer months will usually be busy because of all the weddings.  We had six weddings today.  I really don’t have to worry about the weddings—I’m the new guy—but that does mean that more of the “regular” deliveries fall on me.
Don’t get me wrong, I love this job and I’m really not complaining.  I don’t mind working hard, particularly for Steve.  But, I was running all day long and wasn’t even able to take my lunch.  I could have stopped for the half-hour to eat my lunch, but that would have gotten me home thirty minutes later for supper.
As I said, I’m not complaining and it’s really not a big deal.  All I had to do was eat the lunch that I brought as I was driving to make my deliveries.  I didn’t need the “break” and I was able to eat what my body needed.
And that got me thinking…how often do we not take the break that we need to be with the Lord.  All too often we run around from here to there and back without even thinking about the Lord.  But the reality is that each and every day, we need to set aside time to sit in the presence of the Lord—speaking and listening; praying and reading the Word.
If you find yourself on occasion not being able to take the time, quickly read a Proverb or Psalm.  That is better than nothing, but it’s not going to give us the spiritual nutrition and sustenance that we need to make it for the long haul.  We need to have that break where we can be alone and commune with the Father and “be filled” with what we need.  To do this, some of us may have to get up a half-hour earlier; some may have to reschedule some things in their life.  Whatever it is that needs to be done…do it.
You cannot make it through this life with the “nutrition” you need by snacking on the way.  Take a break, sit down, and have lunch.
Check out one of my first posts for more information on this.

Friday, June 13, 2008


I’m back!!  Not that I’ve really gone anywhere…but I’ve been away from my blog for quite some time.  Thank you to those of you who kept encouraging me to write again–that means a lot.
I missed writing these blogs but at the end of each day…I didn’t have it in me to write.  The Lord has been taking me on quite a journey over the last two months (that’s how long it’s been since I’ve written).
I’ve hopefully picked up my “survival job” to help us make it through financially, while starting the new church.  I’ve been working a couple of days a week for Steve's Flowers and Gifts.  Hopefully that will turn into something a little more as time goes on.  But it’s the perfect job.  They aren’t open on Sundays, I love driving (their van and their gas), I get to listen to my own music (I’m praising the Lord all day long), and I get to make people’s day by delivering some of the most beautiful arrangements and floral pieces I’ve ever seen (Steve and his designers do amazing work).  Not to mention, I used to write my best stories and sermons riding the lawn mower; I’m hoping that riding in the van will have the same benefits when I start preaching again.
I worked quite a bit on Resurrected Life and the process of getting started.  I am almost finished with the process of writing and will be soon announcing a meeting time for anyone interested in hearing who Resurrected Life Church will be.  As you can see, Jessica Mack did a phenomenal job with our logo.  Not only is she talented, but she put up with me and my “not-as-talented artistic” opinions.  Thank you Jessica!!
Here’s what I love about the logo:
  • The logo simply emphasizes exactly who the church is.
  • Right at the center is the cross of Christ, created by the tail of the dove crossing the “I” of LIFE.
  • The dove, itself, is a sign of new life.  It was the dove that brought back the olive branch to Noah after the flood.
  • The dove is soaring toward the sky in the logo.  After a “death” following my previous ministry, I am ready to come alive again in my new calling and ministry.  And we are all called to be resurrected to a new life after dying to self in order to follow Christ.
  • The dove is the color of “new life”–very fresh and spring-like.
I am ready to fulfill the Lord’s calling in my life.  I pray each day for the ministry and people to whom I will be entrusted.  It’s a great calling and I am humbled by it.  I am in no way big enough to do it on my own.  I praise God for walking the journey with me.  I pray for those that the Lord will put in my path to help with the vision and mission of Resurrected Life.  The best part of all of this is that the Lord has it all figured out already…I simply need to follow through with His plan.
And that got me thinking…I am truly blessed.