This morning, before the temperature dropped 30 degrees and the weather got all nasty, I decided to work out in the garage. Being that we moved from 2800 square feet into 900 square feet, we have “a few” boxes out in the garage. We have sold a bunch of stuff, yet, we still have some more to sell. But for the most part it’s starting to take shape and work. Heidi’s brother came down a couple of weeks ago and took a truckload back with him to store at the in-laws’ house. And I’ve been organizing and repacking boxes to make them better for storage in the garage along with starting to hang things to free up floorspace (if you’ve never seen a full-size mattress and box-spring hanging on a garage ceiling, you should come over sometime). Ultimately, the goal is to be able to pull the van into the garage.
The other task that I have been trying to accomplish to free up that floorspace is to store things up in the attic above the garage. There were some nice planks left up there so that I could store quite a bit of our belongings up there. Obviously, I’ve been storing only those things that we rarely use or are seasonal. For instance, there is a tote of baby clothes; there is a tote of maternity clothes; I have the fans stored up there…I think you get the picture.
But today, I decided that I was going to try to put the jumper up there. We have this amazing jumper from when the boys were younger. They used to jump in that thing forever. Both Braden and Caleb loved it. I remember watching both of them jump and jump and jump. I remember Braden actually falling asleep in it because he was so exhausted from jumping. There are some good memories with that jumper.
However, it is horribly awkward and large. It doesn’t really fold down into a nice pocket-sized piece; it just basically stays as it is. So, due to the fact that both of the boys are too big for it now, and due to the fact that I need as much floorspace as possible, I decided to put it in the attic.
Well, let’s just say that I was glad to see that the builder of the house used this jumper as the measuring rod when cutting the attic opening. It barely fit through (and by barely, I mean pushing on it while squeezing some of it together to try to spring it through). But the problem really came when I realized that I only had a couple of options as to where I could put it—I have used the attic space well with all of our other stuff. Unfortunately, the roof-line was completely in the wrong place and kept me from putting it the way I wanted it in the place I wanted it. So, I decided to try to turn it; I decided to flip it; I tried everything and it wouldn’t fit properly.
But then it got worse. The top of the jumper legs on the one side decided to slip in between the planks. It was the leg on the far side and I couldn’t get it to budge due to the position of the jumper, the awkwardness of the size , and the fact that I was standing on the top of my ladder.
And that got me thinking…we need to be careful in our daily walks because we all have those little areas of sin where we fall straight in. It doesn’t matter who you are, or how long you’ve been a Christian, or even if your walk is mostly aligned with the life of Christ—there’s that one area that grabs you every time. And it always seems that those certain areas are the hardest to get out of–they just really get a hold of you.
We need to be on guard as we go through life in our Christian walks—we are not immune to sinning. Don’t even go near those areas that cause you trouble. Stay far away from them and turn yourself toward Jesus.
Eventually, I was able to get it out…but it wasn’t because I was able to force it by pulling hard. I was only able to get it out by turning it in order to release some of the resistance that was holding it so tightly.
Turn yourself toward Jesus so much that you’re not even capable of slipping between the planks.
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