Thank you all for your emails and phone calls; Heidi is feeling much better today. In fact, she is over babysitting right now at a friend’s house—not that she’s 100% yet, but much better.
This babysitting deal has been set up for quite a while. She’s babysitting for a friend who has three kids…age 3 and under. Heidi wanted to give her friend and her husband a night out. It wasn’t really a big deal because she was going over after the kids were in bed anyway. She was simply going to be there. So Heidi was pretty upset when she got this infection.
Now, Heidi could have cancelled and made it another night because she still wasn’t 100% (and it’s snowing), but she didn’t want to break that commitment with this couple. From my understanding, they don’t get the chance to go out that often and were really looking forward to going out. So, I’m sure they would have been disappointed if Heidi had cancelled; they would have definitely understood, but there would have been some disappointment.
And that got me thinking…how often do we break our commitments to the Lord? Do we go to church every Sunday? Do we read the Bible and pray as often as we should? Do we even think about it and feel bad when we don’t do what is expected of us in this relationship? The Lord is so disappointed when we cancel on our commitments to Him—even if we have “good” excuses.
The Lord wants us to have a relationship with Him; He wants us to be close to Him. But in order to do that, we need to stick to the “commitments” that create that type of relationship. We need to be in the Word; we need to be talking to Him everyday; we need to worship with other believers on Sundays (or whenever you worship). Relationship takes commitment—whether it’s with your spouse, your friend, or the Lord.
The Lord is really looking forward to being with you today, and tomorrow, and the next day…take some time to be with Him; work on your commitment to Him.
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