Thursday, March 27, 2008


I’m sitting at our kitchen table as I write this.  It’s dark outside the patio door and the only light is from the glaring 60-watts overhead in the ceiling fan.  But earlier today—between the hours of gloomy skies—the sun was shining through the patio doors, filling the kitchen with a glorious warmth.
Next to me on the table is a small flower pot and inside are seven emerging sunflowers.  You can’t tell that they are sunflowers yet, other than some of them have yet to shed their shell.  It’s an interesting process to watch.  Two days ago, they were only about four inches high; today they are already approaching six.
The plants are from our Parenting Class that we are taking.  We planted the seeds, were given instructions, and went home.  In order to keep the sunflowers alive, there are certain things that they need.  They need water, good soil, and plenty of light.  This is where it gets fascinating.  We have the sunflowers on our kitchen table where they will get plenty of light from the patio door.   They are getting the light they need, but because of where we have them, they are bending and leaning toward the light.
And that got me thinking…we need to be like those sunflowers.  There are certain things in life that we need to grow—food, water, nutrients, etc.  And then there are certain things in life that we need to grow spiritually.  Those certain things can be grouped into one essential thing: stretching out and leaning toward the Light.  Each and every day we should be leaning in toward the Light of Christ, trying to be more and more like Him.  The more we’re in His Word, the more we talk to Him, the more and more we become like Him.
Stretch yourself toward the Light.  It may cause you to change direction from the way you were heading, but you will grow.

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