Sunday, October 3, 2010


I have fallen into one of the traps they warned us about in seminary.  I don't remember if it was actually in preaching class, or if it was from my church supervisor.  But wherever it came from, it was a stern warning to be careful of this trap.  I sit here tonight at my computer realizing that I have fallen into that very trap with this blog.

The warning was something like this: be careful that you don't fall into the trap of preaching solely on what you are passionate about, interested in, or involved in.  Meaning, if you're in a personal study on "grace" don't preach for 13 weeks on "grace".  Make sure you spread it around and teach on different things.  It also meant not using the same illustration pool.  For instance, every illustration you use should not be about your paper route when you were a little boy (people get sick of hearing about paper boys, I guess).

So, as I'm thinking about my day and glancing over the last few blogs, I realize that the last three started off with things at work.  But, I struggle with the idea of not using things that happen at work for this blog because I'm there for most of time that I'm awake during the day.

And that got me thinking...what are you sharing with people?  What are you finding to be the most important during your day?  Where are you spending your time?  Do you find yourself talking to people about what you read in the Word today?  Or is it more about who was voted off the island last night?

The reality of this blog is that most of my day is at Chick-fil-A or down at the Camp Atterbury trailer.  The reality of your life is that it doesn't matter who is sleeping with who on the latest soap opera; what matters is your relationship with the Lord.  If you're not spending quality time with the Lord, then the TV should not be on.  I'm not necessarily against TV, but the majority of the shows are junk.  What are you choosing as your god instead of being with your God in prayer and in His Word?

This blog could go many different ways today (and I maybe already have), but my experience is that we tend to talk about what we know a lot about; we share what we spend the most time in.  You can tell where someone's priorities are by looking at their calendar and their checkbook.

Where are you spending your time?  What are you talking about?

As I continue writing, I will work on finding a different illustration pool.  But as I do that, try to find yourself a different conversation pool.  Talk about the Lord and what He's doing in your life.


  1. I've had the same thoughts the past week or so. I really want to start studying more in depth on Montessori or even into tax laws (yes, blah to most). Everytime I think about it I remind myself that if I have time to do that, then I have time to read the Word. It's awesome to have that thought in the forefront of my mind and have my priorities (at least when it comes to studying) in order.

  2. Collossians 1 - Christ is the Head of the church and our goal is that he has preeminace! That is one to chew on for a while :-) Let me know your toughts as to how you see that functioning in a day to day manner.

  3. Convicted! For some time I have been floating along without a paddle....Time to grab a paddle and head for 'living waters'. You may have heard the saying: "When you feel far from God, guess who moved?" Thanks for today's blog, and keep up the good work! Whatever the topic, whatever the illustration, the Lord uses it, if we are open and listening for Him.

  4. What if you are working in a place where you were specifically taught to not talk about religion or politics as not to offend someone? there are many walks of life that come through my office and i don't believe that i have offended anyone... I do mention the Lord with a few patients, and have struck up some interesting conversations with 2 gentlemen who are pastors (about religious topics). but am still very careful what i do and say.
