Time for a confession...I'm an office supply junkie. I have an addiction. I cannot keep from walking through the aisles of an office supply store if we are in close proximity to one. My real weakness is pens. I'm not necessarily a fan of the REALLY expensive ones, but I always enjoy trying new pens and having different ones around. Rarely will you ever find me without a pen of some kind on me...if not 15 (I'm just kidding; I'm not that bad). And in actuality, I'm getting much better with my "need" for new ink sticks.
When we get the Sunday paper, Heidi always pulls MY ads for the office supply places along with Menards and Gander Mountain. Other than the Bible, there isn't much better than this reading material. But I'm getting better at just looking at the office supplies and not desiring what the ads contain--Menards and Gander are a different story.
I also get email notifications from Office Depot to keep me up-to-date on the deals. I received one of those notifications today. But the subject line intrigued me: "Psst! Private Sale - Remarkable Prices on Ink & Toner". Wow! I'm special! Only certain people will know about this!
And that got me thinking...is that how we treat our relationship with the Lord? Do we feel like we're in a special club that only certain people can know about? I'm not sure that we necessarily feel that way, but it sure seems like it in the way we evangelize. This is a broad generalization, but for the most part, we don't share Jesus. We don't advertise our relationship with the Lord; we don't announce how special this deal is. And what a deal it is...free. The manufacturer is taking the hit on this deal--Jesus gave up everything for us to have this product.
There isn't a limited supply; you don't need to worry about Him selling out. So why not advertise for the Lord and help Him sell the best product ever.
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
-Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)-
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