Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This morning I had a couple of early morning meetings.  My first meeting was awesome, but it also caused me to think about a few things--things with which I was struggling.  I really should say it this way: the flesh side of me was really struggling with the thoughts I was having; the spirit side of me was simply saying, "God's got it."  As much as I know of how good and faithful God is and as much as I have experienced His goodness and faithfulness, the flesh side of me was just rolling this around painfully in mind.

My second meeting was in Bargersville, so I had a little time on my hands to continue in this brain battle.  "I don't like this", "God's got it", "I don't like this", "God's got it", "I don't like this", "God's got it", "I don't like this", "God's got it".  It absolutely consumed my thoughts.  "God's got it" has been my mantra this year.  I've learned to trust in Him more over the last few years than I have over any other period of my life.  "God's got it" has been a nice reminder for me.  Now the spirit side of me was starting to win, so I cranked on some praise music.  I was really trying to give this over to the Lord.

But heading down my last stretch of highway 135, the thought came back of the "tragedy" that was possibly coming down the road for me (at least that was where my mind was taking me; for me, the homeland security threat level was at red with this situation).  But instead of my spirit side continuing the battle by saying, "God's got it", I heard, "I've got it".

And at that moment, the truck in front of me threw a rock. It wasn't huge, but it was large enough that I saw it coming the minute that truck tire launched it.  Now, I've been driving for 17 years and I have had many instances of using my windshield to play badminton with rocks.  I remember one time when my dad and I were on a trip and a truck threw a rock so large that it caused both of us to duck when we saw it coming and the sound of the impact actually caused our ears to pop.

So, here I am, bracing for impact--kind of squinting my eyes waiting for the horrible sound of granite on glass...

And what I got was a sound that would be comparable to someone rolling a pair of dice on a wooden table.  Not only was that unbelievable, but the rock--traveling who knows how fast hitting a car traveling 60 mph--barely bounced and nestled itself on my windshield wiper.  And there it sat, for the remainder of my drive...smiling at me (as some rocks do) and reminding me that God's got it.

And that got me thinking...we have an amazing God.  We believe in the God of the universe--the God who created everything.  God's got it.  I still may not like it, but God's got it.

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