Monday, June 16, 2008


Okay…fair warning before I even begin:
Today’s subject may not be the most pleasant, but I believe the spiritual lesson is worth it. 
Last night, Heidi went around picking up the dog poop in the backyard.  It’s nice having the fenced-in yard so we can simply let the dogs out when it’s time for a backyard break.  However, the problem with that is having to go around the entire yard and find the little gifts at other times.  When we lived in Pennsylvania, we didn’t have a backyard for the dogs’ use, so we had to take them on walks on a leash and pick up after every deposit.  I haven’t necessarily figured out which I prefer as of yet.
Anyway, Heidi found some little white worms on some of Squirt’s dog doo.  She said that it wasn’t just this batch but in most of them.  I suggested we wait until we got a fresh calling card to check it for the worms.  It wasn’t long before Squirt was leaving another pile of good luck so we checked it; sure enough, there were tiny white worms in it.
When the vet’s office opened this morning, Heidi called to ask if we needed to bring Squirt in prior to her already-scheduled appointment on Friday for her yearly exam.  When Heidi shared our concern about the worms, she was returned with a question that about triggered her gag reflex: “Do the worms look like rice, or spaghetti?”  I could tell that Heidi was thankful that we only had the rice.  And when she told me about the question, I too was praising the Lord that we only had rice.  And yet…rice is still bad.
And that got me thinking…we are constantly comparing ourselves and our worms—sins—to the sins of others.  “Yeah, I may be doing this…but I’m not doing that like so-and-so.”  “My sin is only rice, not spaghetti.”
It is still bad!!!  We need to compare ourselves to the One we are to be following and trying to be like—Jesus.  Jesus doesn’t have any worms; we need to be determined to get rid of our worms.  Each and every day we need to be striving toward holiness.  Comparing ourselves to others doesn’t make us holy; being like Jesus makes us holy.
We have been called to be worm-free.  Squirt had to take a couple of pills; we have to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Him.

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